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Amit Jeswani on ET Now, 31st December 2019

We talk a lot regarding our portfolio, how we outperformed the market and a year of conslidation with buisnesses we are seeing in India!

Amit Jeswani on ET Now 26th October, 2019

Amit Jeswani of Stallion Asset says, 'We will have Swachh Bharat bull market next'

Stallion Asset Founder Amit Jeswani on Bloomberg Quint 23rd October 2019.

With Diwali around the corner, we explain how we are positioning ourselves for the coming cycle!

Stallion Asset Founder, Amit Jeswani on ET Now -17th September, 2019

Between 2009 and 2014, the US markets were really weak and I was a trader at that time. Whenever we used to go short the market, the Fed would come out with a large QE. So you could never make money and everyone started calling it the Fed put. 

Amit Jeswani, Stallion Asset Founder on Bloomberg Quint- 9th September, 2019

With the slowdown happening in our Economy, how we have placed ourselves to protect the Stallion Family from the downside, where do we see the market heading and how we invest in Financials in India.

Stallion Asset Founder, Amit Jeswani on Bloomberg Qunit - 24th July , 2019

We Speak alot on various stocks, like Yes Bank , HUL and the general slowdown in the economy going forward.